Trick or Treat for UNICEF – October 31 – November 8

Halloween is just around the corner, and Hastings will be distributing UNICEF boxes to each student.  Please take the boxes with you when you go Trick or Treating on Halloween.  Trick or Treating for UNICEF is a great way to help the world’s most desperate children.

After Halloween, please convert the coins and bills that your child collects to a CHECK payable to UNICEF.  Please send the check to your child’s teacher, and all checks are due Friday, November 8.  If you have questions, please reach out to Christie Keebaugh (

Fall Cleanup – Saturday, November 2, 1-4 p.m.

Help us prepare Hastings’ grounds for winter.  We’ll be tidying up the grounds by cutting back perennials, removing dead twigs and branches, and raking up dead leaves.  There will be donuts and hot cider for those of you who brave the weather.  Please bring your own tools (rakes, pruning shears, etc.) as we have a very small supply of equipment.  Questions? Email Miranda Clarke at

Welcome to the new Hastings PTA site!

Welcome to the Maria Hastings PTA website!  The PTA is a partnership between Hastings parents, teachers, and staff to support our children’s learning and development. We work together as a team to deliver a wide variety of programs and activities to enrich our children’s school experience.

This website is designed to provide up-to-the-minute information to the Hastings PTA community. Please bookmark and visit us on a regular basis for the latest news.  We welcome your involvement in making our school a great place for our children!

– Bettina McGimsey & Lin Jensen, PTA Co-Presidents

Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of volunteer opportunities that need to be filled! We are still looking for people to lead three committees and there are a number of events through October and November where you can help out.

Current volunteer opportunities are listed below. If you are interested in any of these positions, please reach out to the committee chairs directly.

1) Halloween Party Volunteers and Donations
2) Teacher Conferences – Parent and student volunteers needed
3) Beautification Volunteers
4) Committee Chair for Lowell Spinners.
5) Committee Co-Chair for the Hastings Talent Show.
Committee Co-Chair for SHAC Wellness Liaison.
Volunteer with the Go Green Recycling Team!
8) Adult Social Fundraisers
9) Fifth Grade Yearbook Volunteers

Read more about all open volunteer opportunities.

If you have questions about other opportunities please contact our volunteer coordinator, Stacie Bracken (

Arrival and Dismissal Guidelines from Louise Lipsitz

One of the most important ways you can assist us in keeping children and adults safe is to follow the arrival and dismissal procedures we have put in place at Hastings. I have re-printed them below. I know that many people who drive to school at the end of the day are taking their children to activities and do not want to be late. School ends at 3:15 p.m. and the children will be ready as soon after that time as is possible. I want to impress upon all drivers the importance of remaining in your cars at dismissal and driving through the line to pick up your children. If you walk to the basketball court, come inside the fence so that the students can get to the car line quickly and you can meet your child(ren) as they come outside. Thank you in advance for demonstrating courteous behavior towards other parents and guardians. The children learn from you and follow your lead.

Reminders for school days:

Supervision of students begins at 8:15 a.m. Do not bring your child to school before 8:15 a.m. There is no adult supervision before that time.

Children enter classrooms at 8:30 a.m. School begins promptly at 8:45 a.m., when the doors will be locked and all children will be expected to enter through the front doors and check in at the office.

Children are late when they arrive after 8:45 a.m. and will be marked accordingly. Classroom instruction as well as Art, Music, Library, and PE begin at 8:45 a.m.

Please send your child(ren) to school each day with a healthy snack.

Children should dress appropriately for recess outside twice each full day and once on half days. We go outside unless it is below 18º Fahrenheit or the weather is inclement.

Arrival and dismissal will follow the routines outlined below:

ARRIVAL: In the morning, children gather on the basketball court at the end of the school grounds. In case of rain, classes meet in the cafeteria. Drop off occurs along the sidewalk on Crosby Road. There is no parking in the Methodist Church parking lot. Do not leave your car unattended to walk students to the basketball court. If you plan to park, please use the school lot or the streets off the school property.

DISMISSAL: At dismissal, all cars should have a card with the family name displayed on the dashboard. All walkers and children in grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be picked up at the basketball court. Children in grades K and 1 will be picked up behind the building. Please do not leave your car; staff will assist children in locating their rides. If you have children in multiple grades, pick them up at the dismissal location of your youngest child’s grade. At dismissal, there is no parking in the Methodist Church parking lot.

Animals on school grounds:
I understand the desire to bring the family dog to school to drop off or pick up your child, however, it is expressly prohibited by Town ordinance: “All animals, including dogs, are expressly prohibited from school grounds, playgrounds, and playing fields. The exception is a service animal designated by the American with Disabilities Act.” (Selectmen’s Policy Manual revised 6/27/11)

Again, thank you for helping to keep all our children safe as they arrive and depart from the school grounds.

Louise Lipsitz

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