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Originally delivered on 9/12/2023 6:00 am

SUBJECT: Hastings PTO Bulletin, Sept 12th 2023

Weekly Bulletin - September 12, 2023

This is your weekly place for all the important Hastings PTO news and events. This is the last Bulletin that will be emailed to all parents via Mr Wai. Subsequent Bulletins will only be emailed to families in Membership Toolkit so be sure to ACTIVATE your account today!

PTO Activation

Activate your PTO membership and stay informed about your child's school experience, receive your Room Parent communications and learn about happenings throughout the year.  Activate your family account TODAY.

PTO Donation

The PTO would love to raise $65k this year to continue the wonderful enrichment programs, events and teacher/ staff support. Please donate at a level that works for your family.  All contributions are greatly appreciated. 

Message from the School Nurses

If your child will be absent or tardy for any reason, please complete this form. You do not need to call the Attendance Hotline. The Symptom Checker part of the form is confidential and used only by the nurses to track illnesses.

To give permission for your student to receive Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen, please fill out this form: Permission for Tylenol/Ibuprofen

Please see this welcome letter from the School Health Office for information regarding COVID-19 protocols, medication forms, and other helpful information.

If you have any questions, please be in touch - 

Sheila Slowe and Carol Kean, School Nurses 

Directory Cover Contest

Keep an eye out this week for a cover contest form which should be arriving in your child’s folder! 

All Hastings students are invited to make a black pen drawing of something they love about our school. Two drawings will be selected as the directory cover (front and back). 

All Hastings PTO Members receive a printed copy of the Hastings Directory and all families have access to the directory online.

Contest entries should be turned in to classroom teachers by Wednesday, October 4

Family Friends Needed

Family Friends is a program that builds closer relationships between the families of METCO students from Boston and families living in Lexington.  

The program consists of four group events on weekends where families can get to know one another.  In addition, Lexington families commit to host 2.5 hour playdates on four designated Friday afternoons over the course of the school year.  These playdates provide students from Lexington and Boston social time together that they don’t usually get in the classroom.  This less structured play time allows the kids to connect and have fun.   

For the individual playdates, Lexington families pick up both their child and their family friend at 12:30 pm at Hastings.  There is enough time for lunch and playing either at home or around town.  Lexington families return their family friend to Hastings by 3:00 pm for the bus home to Boston.


Four Group Events:

Oct 7, 2023

Feb tbd, 2024

March tbd, 2024

June 8, 2024 

Friday Playdates (12.30-3pm):

Nov, 3, 2023

Dec 1, 2023

April 5, 2024

May 10, 2024

For more information on this program, please contact Liz Sullivan at

You can log your interest here and if we have a match you will be contacted.

Curriculum Night

Date: Thursday, September 21

Time: 5:30-7:30pm

Location: Hastings School Classrooms

Mark your calendars as Curriculum Night is coming! The intent of the evening is for staff to review curriculum, as well as classroom expectations. If you have an individual question regarding your child’s progress, classroom teachers will be scheduling parent teacher conferences.

Photo Day

Date: Thursday, September 26

(During school hours)

Mark your calendars as school picture day is coming!  We will be looking for volunteers to help guide the children to where they need to go and help keep the lines moving.  Watch this space for a sign up! 


If you have any questions, please reach out to 

Calling all 5th grade parents!

We still have several 5th grade activities that need volunteers so please sign up! 5th Grade Activities are run both FOR and BY 5th graders with help from their parents. Please help get the 5th Grade Activities off to a strong start by volunteering for a coordinator role. Volunteers are needed for:

  • Harvest Festival Team (formerly Halloween party) 
  • Fundraising Coordinator
  • Conference Babysitting Coordinator
  • Year Book Candid Photos Coordinator
  • Sign Up Genius Editor
  • Treasurer

Each coordinator will be able to speak with people who have filled these roles before and there are notes on how to complete each event. 

If you would like to help but not sure what to select, or have new ideas, please email Maria and Ritu at

Room Parent Volunteers

There are a few classes that are still looking for Room Parents.  Please consider volunteering to be a room parent. It is a wonderful way to get to know other parents and your child’s teacher, as well as make a valuable contribution to the Hastings Community. 

Room Parents still needed in 3rd + 4th Grade; McLaughlin, Pelkey and Washington. 

Questions? Contact Room Parent Chairs, Jess and Rachel at

Sign up here!

Lunch Time Volunteers

Lunchtime volunteers needed! Help reduce the amount of trash Hastings sends to the trash incinerator and get to see your student during lunch! 

Volunteers guide students in sorting waste into trash, compost, and recycling. You can volunteer on any schedule that works for you: monthly, twice a month, weekly, or every day!  Each shift is an hour and a half: 

1st shift: 

11.05- 11.30     1st grade

11.30-12.05     4th grade

12.05-12.30     3rd grade

2nd shift

12.30- 12.55 Kindergarten

1.00 - 1.30 2nd grade

1.30 -2.00 5th grade

Composting is easy, we will teach you how! For more on industrial composting:

Questions? Contact Megan at 

Sign up here!

Library Volunteers

There are some classes that still need library volunteers.  Come help out in the Hastings Library! Volunteer's main tasks will be to check books in and out and shelve books. Mrs Rich, our Librarian, relies on volunteers to keep the library running!  You will receive training. 

Classes that need volunteers; Syed, Pelkey, Washington, Agne and O'Neil.

Questions? Contact Anne at 

Sign up here! Please note that you are signing up to express interest.  Anne will be in touch to confirm once the schedules have been created.

Volunteer for any of the above here!
Looking for a list of other areas to volunteer? Complete this form to express interest!
CORI Application

The PTO operates on volunteer power!  Our school community is so special because of the countless hours our families pledge. Every volunteer must complete a criminal background check. Please submit the online form CORI Application on the LPS website.

Visual directions: Online CORI Instructions - How to fill out a CORI.

If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Gauthier

New Lexington High School Building

The Lexington High School Building Committee (SBC) is inviting you to participate in a community forum on 9/14/2023 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM to talk about the New Lexington High School Project.   

Lexington has many stakeholders that are critical in the development of this exciting project. The SBC understands input from all Lexington stakeholders is important for a successful project. The community forum will discuss what has been done to date, introduce you to the Owner’s Project Manager (OPM), talk about Lexington’s partnership with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), discuss the next steps, and offer input from all stakeholders with opportunities for Q&A.  

This meeting will be offered in person, as well as provide an opportunity for remote participation via Zoom.  Please click here for more details.

School Committee Meetings

(left to right) Larry Freeman; Kathleen Lenihan; Sara Cuthbertson, Chair; Dr. Julie Hackett, Superintendent; Deepika Sawhney, Vice-Chair; Eileen Jay

The Lexington School Committee establishes educational goals and policies for the schools in the district, consistent with the requirements of law and statewide goals and standards.

The School Committee generally holds public meetings every two weeks on Tuesdays during the school year at the Central Office, 146 Maple Street.

Upcoming meeting information can be found here.

Lexington Community Messages

SNAP Fall Programs for Kids!

TODAY LexElectrify - LexCAN evening seminar with Lexington’s Sustainability and Resilience Officer

ADHD Parent Support Group 

LexDyslexia Parent Support Group

Munroe Center for the Arts - Fall Registration Open

LEF Annual Golf Classic - Tickets On Sale

Bike Safety Activities - Bike Rodeo (K-8)…Bike Smart Youth (4th-8th)

Join the Girl Scouts

Full information on all of the above can be found here

Looking Ahead
Thursday, September 14
6:30p Lexington High School Building Community Forum
Thursday, September 21
5:30p Curriculum Night (adults only)
Thursday, September 28
9:00a School Picture Day
Sunday, October 1
11:00a Hastings Harvest Run
Wednesday, October 4
3:30p Directory Cover Contest Deadline
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