Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Hastings. In order to volunteer with children at Hastings (either at school or on a field trip), there are three easy steps to complete:
- Watch the Volunteer Training Video (one and done)
- Complete Classroom Volunteer Form (for each volunteer date)
- Complete a CORI Form (once every 3 years)
Volunteer Training Video
The first thing to do if you wish to volunteer with the children at Hastings is to watch the Volunteer Training Video. This training is less than 10 minutes in length but provides essential information on do’s and don’t for volunteers in the school. The video was filmed several years ago in the old Hastings school, however the information is just as important and relevant today as it was then.
As you would expect, we ask that you do not share any information about students you may encounter while volunteering. It is an expectation that students are not discussed outside of school. Grades, behavior, classroom interventions, even weekend shares, are all examples of personal information.
Thank you again for your interest in volunteering at Hastings and enjoy this video!
Classroom Volunteer Form
We hope to eliminate the possibility of parents being turned away due to paperwork processing delays. We are asking that you complete a google form found here as soon as you sign up for volunteering in the classroom, this includes coming into the classroom for Kindergarten Important Person visits.
By completing this form it will allow the Hastings front office staff to check, in advance, that you are cleared to enter the classroom. You may use this same form to enter multiple dates and should complete the form as far in advance as possible. Each date that you plan to volunteer in the classroom must be entered. If you have a date for volunteering already planned, please complete this form without delay.
- Complete the online CORI form found here
- You must bring a valid form of government issued photo ID to the location you selected as your “primary location” on the Google Form. At Hastings, check in with Rachel Gauthier in the front office to verify your identity.
- Full details on how to complete the CORI and check your status can be found here
Thank you again for your interest in volunteering at Hastings. If you have any questions please contact Rachel in the front office at