We are pleased to announce that, to support learning initiatives at Maria Hastings Elementary School for students and staff alike, the PTO has voted to allocate financial support to teachers and staff via a mini-grant process. Funding will be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the year, and all Hastings staff are eligible to request support. Large or repeated requests may be held until we know there are funds remaining.
We understand that not every request will fit into specific criteria and encourage you to make a request if you feel it would enhance the teaching/learning experience at Hastings. Here are general guidelines as to what types of activities/materials we will support:
1) Classroom/instructional materials for an individual staff member. Full-time instructional staff are eligible to request up to $100 (cumulative) in classroom/instructional materials. These requests do not require approval by the Principal.
2) Grade-based, department-based, or school-wide initiatives. Staff are eligible to submit funding requests for materials or programs that will benefit an entire grade, department or school. These requests must be approved by the Principal. Per Lexington Public School guidelines, any grants over $500 must also be approved by the School Committee.
If you have any questions please reach out to the PTO Co-Presidents at president@hastings-pto.org.
To request a mini grant, complete the PTO Mini Grant Form and to ensure a timely response please also drop an email to treasurer@hastings-pto.org alerting them to your submission.