Activating your membership of the Hastings PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is an invaluable step in connecting with the Hastings community and supporting your child’s school experience. There is no cost for activating your membership but your benefits are countless!
Everyone who activates their membership will receive a printed copy of the Hastings Directory and have access to the Online Directory. The Directory provides contact information for all families that are members of the PTO, as well as class lists, teacher contact information, and additional information about Lexington and the Hastings School.
Back to school donations to the PTO are our primary funding source for all the wonderful programs offered throughout the year. Your donations allow us to hold the Annual Science Fair and Arts Night, to bring in theater performances and award winning authors, support our in-need families and appreciate our teachers. In addition to the meals and treats we provide the teachers and staff, your donations fund Mini Grants that teachers use for classroom supplies, new books and classroom materials, subsidizing field trips and so much more!
The PTO spends approximately $60k per year and could not do this without your back to school donations! All donations are tax deductible!
Please register today. Families must register before October 7th 2022 to be included in the 2022-2023 printed Directory!
To activate your PTO membership, please click the link below
Please email with any questions.