Main Street Stack Coupon Booklet

Interested in saving money while supporting the Hastings PTO and your favorite local businesses? Buy the Main Street Stack! It pays for itself with just a few purchases and makes a great gift for friends, neighbors, clients, and anyone who shops locally.
The Main Street Stack is a fundraising coupon booklet that exclusively features Lexington businesses. It lets you save while giving back to the businesses that support so many PTO activities throughout the year. Best of all, it supports the school—$10 from every purchase goes to Hastings!
Created by local businesswoman and former Hastings parent Barbara Jakob, the Main Street Stack features offers from nearly 40 Lexington businesses. View a complete list of participating businesses.

Cost: $20

Contact Information:  For any questions, please contact Janel Showalter or Jeanned’arc Haddad at


Option #1:
Download and print out the following form.  Submit it along with a check for payment to your child’s teacher or drop it in the Main Street Stack box in the lobby by Friday October 30.

Option #2:
Fill out the online form below and pay with your credit card/PayPal account.

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Main Street Stack Form
Please fill out the following order information.  Your child's teacher/classroom information is required as booklets will be delivered to their classroom to bring home.
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* Indicates required question
Your name *
Your answer
Your email address *
Your answer
Your child's name *
Your answer
Your child's grade *
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Teacher name *
Your answer
On the next screen, you will be asked to specify the quantity of booklets you wish to order as well as some additional information for payment purposes.

Your payment will be securely processed by PayPal. You may use a credit card (a PayPal account is not required) or your PayPal account.
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