Each year Hastings hosts a giant map from National Geographic in our gymnasium. We have had maps of Europe, Africa, Asia and North America at our school in past years. The National Geographic maps provide excellent learning opportunities for our students as they learn about the topographical aspects of each continent, the location of cities, and the bordering bodies of land and water. The giant map brings to life the study of geography to our students, and allows our community the chance to learn about places in the world where our members’ families have lived and traveled. While students visit the map with their classroom and the LPS Social Studies Coordinator during the school day, a low-key evening is set up for parents and children to explore the map together.
The Map Night Coordinator coordinates with the LPS Social Studies Coordinator, Hastings staff and PTO leadership to determine the date to host the Map Night, secures the gymnasium for the event, advertises the event to the Hastings community, and helps staff the event (such as signing in families and distributing iPads for an interactive map game). Only a few hours of commitment is required.
For more information or to help with this event, please contact mapnight@hastings-pto.org
Program timeframe: TBD
Coordinators: OPEN
Committee Email: mapnight@hastings-pto.org
Location: Hastings Gym, 7 Crosby Road, Lexington, MA, 02421.