Date: Ongoing
Time: At your convenience
Location: Bay State Textiles white collection box, left side of the parking lot, behind the gym
In Massachusetts alone there are 520 MILLION pounds of unwanted textiles that end up in the waste stream of which 95% can be reused or recycled. The country as a whole is only recycling 15% of unwanted textiles.
What goes in the box?
Bay State Textiles accepts clothing, shoes, pocketbooks, household linens and stuffed animals in ANY condition as long as they are not wet or contaminated with hazardous material. Visit for a list of acceptable items. ****Items NOT accepted: mattresses, couch cushions, lawn furniture cushions, foam products (mattress pads, etc.), carpet remnants, and rugs (larger than 2’ x 4’). For the safety and convenience of the drivers, please bag your items and tie the bags!!!
What happens to the items in the box?
Collecting unwanted clothing, shoes and linens, creates economic opportunity all over the world. Bay State Textiles employs Massachusetts residents, contracts with local vendors for supplies and exports the material throughout the global market. As the material is shipped to graders, the usable items are resold creating jobs and economic benefit for those wanting to purchase inexpensive quality clothing. Additional jobs are created in the wiping cloth and fiber conversion industry. Please refer to SMART for additional information on the benefits of textile recycling. The good is NOT shredded!!!
How does our school benefit?
Bay State Textiles services the box weekly, weighing the items. Bay State Textiles sends a rebate check monthly based on the weight of donation. This program supports our school community AND gets rid of your unwanted textiles. Tell your friends, neighbors, relatives, coworkers, etc. when cleaning out their closets, redecorating or updating their household linens, to support our school community. The convenience of the box is that it is available 24/7, 365 days a year.