Stop & Shop Enrollment Form

Each year Stop & Shop gives away millions of dollars to schools based on the number of Stop & Shop card holders a school registers for the program. The program is free and does not impact other programs, like Gas Rewards. Help us earn a portion of this money for Hastings by signing up now! Learn more about A+ Rewards.

Note:  If you have more than one card to enroll, simply fill out this form for each card you wish to enroll!

Questions? Email us at

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Stop & Shop Card Enrollment
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
* Indicates required question
First Name (Parent #1) *
Your answer
Last name (Parent #1) *
Your answer
Primary email address (Parent #1) *
Your answer
First Name (Parent #2)
Your answer
Last Name (Parent #2)
Your answer
Email address (Parent #2)
Your answer
13-digit Stop & Shop Card # *
Your answer
Last name of cardholder *
Your answer
Second school to support
You can support up to 2 schools with each Stop & Shop card. If you want to support a school in addition to Hastings, please identify it in the field below.
Your answer
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