Event leaders are responsible for taking the lead with messaging for their event. They will be supported by VP Communications and Presidents.
Ways to “Get the Word Out”
- Submissions for the weekly Bulletin are due by Monday at 12noon.
- Bulletin is sent to all families/teachers/staff via MTK each Wednesday
- To make a Bulletin submission, email bulletin@hastings-pto.org with the subject line: BULLETIN SUBMISSION.
- Make sure to include:
- Event Name
- Date (day and date)
- Location
- Time
- Event thumbnail image/graphic
- Description of event/call to action
- Contact information for event (using PTO email address)
- Events will stay in the Bulletin until after the event has passed. Please communicate any event messaging changes as time passes – keeping in mind Monday 12noon deadline for large changes.
- After an event is over, please submit event summary ($ earned, people who attended, etc) and thank you message. May also include photos.
Additional Emails
- If necessary, additional emails can be sent (event reminders, changes, etc). These will be limited. The main form of communication is the Bulletin.
- Please post about your event on Facebook – before, during and/or after. Posts will need to be approved (to keep out spam posts) so if it is time-sensitive, email bulletin@hastings-pto.org to request quick approval.
Hastings Room Parents
- Please do not use room parents to publicize school-wide events. Messages from room parents should be limited to class and grade-level programs, such as Big Backyard.
- All requests should be sent to the Room Parent Chair (roomparents@hastings-pto.org). Please limit requests to one communication per event.
Hastings PTO website
- Use www.Hastings-pto.org for general information about your committee and upcoming events.
- Request updates to your committee’s web page by sending details to website@hastings-pto.org.
Backpack Flyers*
- While we try to do as much as possible online, you may want to send out a flyer for your event.
- Printing should be done via the LPS Print Center to obtain the best rates.
- Prior to printing any hard copies of flyers, posters, or banners, please show your final draft to the VP of Communication and/or one of the Co-Presidents for approval.
- You can find school and PTO logos here http://hastings-pto.org/forms/
- Flyers need to be given to Admins in the Hastings office at least two days prior to distribution.
- Flyers can be one per child, but most times one per family will keep costs down (as of June 2022 – 485 families vs 628 students)
- These may be placed around the school to advertise your event. Please check with the staff in the front office about putting your poster up.
- These may be hung in front of the school. Be sure to hang them with strong rope, as they have been known to fly away in a strong wind! Many committees have used Vistaprint.com or Staples to purchase banners made of outdoor-grade vinyl. If possible, make banners reusable for subsequent years.
*Prior to printing any hard copies of flyers, posters, or banners, please show your final draft to the VP of Communication and/or one of the Co-Presidents for approval.
Events Sponsored by other Organizations
- If you have an event or opportunity not sponsored by Hastings School/Hastings PTO, you may submit it to be included in a list of “Community Events” that is linked in our weekly communication.
- Email bulletin@hastings-pto.org with the subject line: COMMUNITY SUBMISSION
- Make sure to include:
- Event Name
- Date (day and date)
- Location
- Time
- Event thumbnail image/graphic
- Description of event/call to action
- Contact information for event
Questions? Contact VP Communications at vp-communications@hastings-pto.org.