Students are required to display a poster during the Science Fair. The display should show visitors what the experiment was and what the results mean. A tri-fold cardboard poster is ideal. The size of the display area should not be larger than 36″ high by 48″ wide. It should be folded vertically so that it stands up on a table. A trifold poster can be purchased on Amazon or at a local office supply store. Trifold boards can also be found at Walgreens, CVS, or Michaels.
Posterboard display guidelines:
See image below for an example layout. A trifold cardboard poster is ideal. The size of the display area should not be larger than 36″ high by 48″ wide. It should be folded vertically so that it stands up on a table. Trifold posters can be purchased on Amazon, at local office supply stores (Staples, Office Depot), craft stores (Michaels, Joann), Target, or some Walgreens/CVS stores.
Each display must include the following:
- The title of the project and the name of the student scientist(s)
- The question or the problem
- The student’s hypothesis
- Description of experiment conducted, including Materials and Procedures
- Results of experiment, including pictures and data
- Conclusions, including what I learned/what I would do differently
The write-up is mandatory and must be on some type of paper (cardboard, poster board, or regular paper). It may be handwritten or typed. Computers and tablets may NOT be used to show the project write-up. Objects/electronics used in performing the experiment may be brought in along with the trifold display for the live event, but the experiment itself should NOT be performed during the Science Fair
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